
Please note all programs are unique and personalised to each customer therefore you need to enquire and a team member will deal with you personally.

Bodyweight training, basics, beginner program, muscle , strength, muscular definition

Bodyweight Training

This is designed for beginners who are just getting into fitness and need to focus on bodyweight exercises.

dips, press ups, muscle ups, single leg squat, front lever, one arm push up.

Calisthenics Program

This is designed for intermediate to advanced lifters who are looking to challenge their body in different ways.

1 to 1 coaching, personal trainer, nutrition and gym programs, weekly check ups, strength and conditioning


This involves 1 to 1 coaching where we will design custom plans to suit all needs.

fat loss, nutrients, food plans, coaching, performance

Nutrition Plans

We will design tailor made nutrition plans to suit all needs and allow for the best results for fat loss or muscle building.

Build muscle, improve performance, hypertrophy, body fat percentage, fast results

Hypertrophy Program

This is for people looking to build the most muscle in the shortest period of time.

Strength, conditioning, performance, personal trainer, fitness, one rep max, squat, bench and deadlift, powerlifter, body builder

Strength and Conditioning

This is designed for beginners who need the learn the fundamentals in order to progress.